Publications and Abstracts
December 2024
Feinberg SD (Panel Chair), Aronoff GM, Ausfahl J, Bruns, D, Darnall E, Feinberg R, Goldberg RL, Haldeman S, Lessenger JE, Mandel S, Mayer TG, Navani AH, Osbahr AJ, Warren PA, Winters TH, Hegmann KT. Chronic Pain (2024) American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine’s Occupational Medicine Practice Guidelines, Reed Group. 749 pages, 1,105 references.
October 2024
da Fonseca LF, Santos GS, Azzini G, Tomas Mosaner, Daniel de Moraes Ferreira Jorge, Alex Pontes de Macedo, Stephany Cares Huber, Pablo Sobreiro, Ignacio Dallo, Madhan Jeyaraman, Peter Albert Everts, Annu Navani, José Fábio Lana. Preparing the soil: Adjusting the metabolic health of patients with chronic wounds and musculoskeletal diseases. Int Wound J. 2024; 21(10):e70056. doi:10.1111/iwj.70056
June 2024
de Oliveira, Cezar Augusto Alves, Bernardo Scaldini Oliveira, Rafael Theodoro, Joshua Wang, Gabriel Silva Santos, Bruno Lima Rodrigues, IzairJefthé Rodrigues, Daniel de Moraes Ferreira Jorge, Madhan Jeyaraman, Peter Albert Everts,Annu Navani, Jose Fabio Lana 2024. “Orthobiologic Management Options for Degenerative Disc Disease” Bioengineering 11, no. 6: 591.
May 2024
Lana, José Fábio, Annu Navani, Madhan Jeyaraman, Napoliane Santos, Luyddy Pires, Gabriel Silva Santos, IzairJefthé Rodrigues, Douglas Santos, Tomas Mosaner, Gabriel Azzini, and et al. 2024. “Sacral Bioneuromodulation: The Role of Bone Marrow Aspirate in Spinal Cord Injuries” Bioengineering 11, no. 5: 461.
December 2023
Annu Navani, MD, Mary Ambach, MD, Aaron Calodney, MD, Richard Rosenthal, MD, Gang Li, MD, PhD, Christine Brown Mahoney, PhD, and Peter A. Everts, PhD. The Safety and Effectiveness of Orthobiologic Injections for Discogenic Chronic Low Back Pain: A Multicenter Prospective, Crossover, Randomized Controlled Trial with 12 Months Follow-up. Pain Physician 2023; 2024;27;E65-E77.
November 2023
Annu Navani, MD. Biologics in Interventional Spinal Procedure: The Past, the Present, and the Vision. Narrative Review. Pain Physician 2023; 26:E775-E785 • ISSN 2150-1149
September 2023
Annu Navani, MD. A Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Approach to Chronic Pain Patients in the Post-COVID-19 Era. Literature Review. Pain Physician 2023; 26:457-466 • ISSN 1533-3159
April 2023
EmiliyaRakhamimova, Jereen Chowdhury, Annu Navani. Hemostasis. Exosomes, PRP, Stem cells in Musculoskeletal medicine: A complete guide to Regenerative Medicine book 1st Edition 2022. ISBN 979-83-90973-86-8.
October 2022
LaxmaiahManchikanti, MD,Nebojsa Nick Knezevic PhD, EmilijaKnezevic.Salahadin Abdi, MD,Mahendra R. Sanapati, MD,Amol Soin, MD,Bradley W. Wargo, MD, Annu Navani, MDSairam Atluri. MD,Christopher G. Gharibo, MD, Thomas T. Simopoulos, MD, RadomirKosanovic, MD,Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, Alan D. Kaye, MD,Joshua A. Hirsch, MD, PhD. A Systematic Review and Meta-analysisof the Effectiveness of Radiofrequency Neurotomy in Managing Chronic Neck Pain. Pain Ther
August 2021
osé Fábio Santos Duarte Lana, Anna Vitória Santos Duarte Lana, Quézia Souza Rodrigues, Gabriel Silva Santos, Riya Navani, Annu Navani, Lucas Furtado da Fonseca, Gabriel Ohana Marques Azzini, Thiago Setti, Tomas Mosaner, Claudio Lopes Simplicio, Taís Mazzini Setti. Nebulization of glutathione and N-Acetylcysteine as an adjuvant therapy for COVID-19 onset. Advances in Redox Research 3 (2021) 100015.
May 2020
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Alan D. Kaye, MD, PhD, Amol Soin, MD, Sheri Albers, DO, Douglas Beall, MD, Richard Latchaw, MD, Mahendra R. Sanapati, MD, Shalini Shah, MD, Sairam Atluri, MD, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, Salahadin Abdi, MD, PhD, Steve Aydin, DO, Sanjay Bakshi, MD, Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD, Ricardo Buenaventura, MD, Joseph Cabaret, MD, Aaron K. Calodney, MD, Kenneth D. Candido, MD, Paul J. Christo, MD, Lynn Cintron, MD, Sudhir Diwan, MD, Christopher Gharibo, MD, Jay Grider, DO, PhD, Mayank Gupta, MD, Bill Haney, MD, Michael E. Harned, MD, Standiford Helm II, MD, Jessica Jameson, MD, Sunny Jha, MD, Adam M. Kaye, PharmD, FASCP, FCPhA, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, MD, PhD, Radomir Kosanovic, MD, Maanasa V. Manchikanti, BS, Annu Navani, MD, Gabor Racz, MD, Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc, Ramarao Pasupuleti, MD, Cyril Philip, MD, Kartic Rajput, MD, Nalini Sehgal, MD, Rachana Vanaparthy, MBBS, Bradley W. Wargo, DO, and Joshua A. Hirsch, MD. Comprehensive Evidence-Based Guidelines for Facet Joint Interventions in the Management of Chronic Spinal Pain: American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) Guidelines. Pain Physician 2020; 23:S1-S127.
March 2020
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Christopher J. Centeno, MD, Sairam Atluri, MD, Sheri L. Albers, DO, Shane Shapiro, MD, Gerard A. Malanga, MD, Alaa Abd-Elsayed, MD, Mairin Jerome, MD, Joshua A. Hirsch, MD, Alan D. Kaye, MD, PhD, Steve M. Aydin, DO, Douglas Beall, MD, Don Buford, MD, Joanne Borg-Stein, MD, Ricardo M. Buenaventura, MD, Joseph A. Cabaret, MD, Aaron K. Calodney, MD, Kenneth D. Candido, MD, Cameron Cartier, MD, Richard Latchaw, MD, Sudhir Diwan, MD, Ehren Dodson, PhD, Zachary Fausel, MD, Michael Fredericson, MD, Christopher G. Gharibo, MD, Mayank Gupta, MD, Adam M. Kaye, PharmD, FASCP, FCPhA, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, MD, PhD, Radomir Kosanovic, MD, Matthew Lucas, DO, Maanasa V. Manchikanti, BS, R. Amadeus Mason, MD, Kenneth Mautner, MD, Samuel Murala, MD, Annu Navani, MD, Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc, Sarah Pastoriza, Do, Ramarao Pasupuleti, MD, Cyril Philip, MD, Mahendra R. Sanapati, MD, Theodore Sand, PhD, Rinoo V. Shah, MD, Amol Soin, MD, Ian Stemper, MS, Bradley W. Wargo, DO, and Philippe Hernigou, MD. Bone Marrow Concentrate (BMC) Therapy in Musculoskeletal Disorders: Evidence-Based Policy Position Statement of American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP).
January 2019
Annu Navani, MD, Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Sheri L. Albers, DO, Richard E. Latchaw, MD, Jaya Sanapati, MD, Alan D. Kaye, MD, PhD, Sairam Atluri, MD,Sheldon Jordan, MD, Ashim Gupta, PhD, MBA, David Cedeno, PhD, Alejandro Vallejo, BS, Bert Fellows, MA, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, MD, PhD, Miguel Pappolla, MD, Sudhir Diwan, MD, Andrea M. Trescot, MD, Amol Soin, MD, Adam M. Kaye, PharmD, FASCP, FCPhA, Steve M. Aydin, DO, Aaron K. Calodney, MD, Kenneth D. Candido, MD, Sanjay Bakshi, MD, Ramsin M. Benyamin, MD, Ricardo Vallejo, MD, PhD, Art Watanabe, MD, Douglas Beall, MD, Todd P. Stitik, MD, Patrick M. Foye, MD, Erik M. Helander, MBBS, and Joshua A. Hirsch, MD. Responsible, Safe, and Effective Use of Biologics in the Management of Low Back Pain: American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) Guidelines. Pain Physician 2019; 22:S1S74.
May 2018
Navani A, Ambach A, Navani R, Wei J. Biologics for Lumbar Discogenic Pain: 18 Month Follow-up for Safety and Efficacy. IPM 2018;3;111-118
April 2017
Navani A, Chrystal J. Regenerative Medicine for Spine and Orthopedic Conditions. Book Chapter 45 in Symptom Oriented Pain Management-2nd edition.
December 2017
Laxmaiah Manchikanti, MD, Adam M Kaye, PharmD, Nebojsa Nick Knezevic, MD, PhD, Heath McAnally, MD, Konstantin Slavin, MD, Andrea M. Trescot, MD, Susan Blank, MD, Vidyasagar Pampati, MSc, Salahadin Abdi, MD, PhD, Jay S. Grider, DO, PhD, Alan D. Kaye, MD, PhD, Kavita N. Manchikanti, MD, Harold Cordner, MD, Christopher G. Gharibo, MD, Michael E. Harned, MD, Sheri L. Albers, DO, Sairam Atluri, MD, Steve M. Aydin, DO, Sanjay Bakshi, MD, Robert L. Barkin, PharmD, Ramsin M. Benyamin, MD, Mark V. Boswell, MD, PhD, Ricardo M. Buenaventura, MD, Aaron K. Calodney, MD, David L. Cedeno, PhD, Sukdeb Datta, MD, Timothy R. Deer, MD, Bert Fellows, MA, Vincent Galan, MD, Vahid Grami, MD, MPH, Hans Hansen, MD, Standiford Helm II, MD, Rafael Justiz, MD, Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta, MD, Yogesh Malla, MD, Annu Navani, MD, Kent H Nouri, MD, Ramarao Pasupuleti, MD, Nalini Sehgal, MD, Sanford M. Silverman, MD, Thomas T. Simopoulos, MD, Vijay Singh, MD, Daneshvari R. Solanki, MD, Peter S. Staats, MD, Ricardo Vallejo, MD, PhD, Bradley W. Wargo, DO, Arthur Watanabe, MD, and Joshua A. Hirsch, MD. Responsible, Safe, and Effective Prescription of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) Guidelines. Pain Physician 2017; 20:S3-S92
March 2017
Navani A, Ambach MA, Wei JJ, Gupta D. Biologic Therapies for Intervertebral Degenerative Disc Disease: A Review of Novel Applications. J Stem Cells Res, Rev & Rep. 2017; 4(1): 1023.
February 2017
Navani A, Li G, Chrystal J. Platelet-rich Plasma in Musculoskeletal Pathology: A Necessary Rescue or a Lost Cause? Narrative Review. Pain Physician 2017; 20:E345-E356.
January 2017
Navani A. The Inevitable Evolution: How Technology has transformed Physician Patient Partnership. Invited Editorial for Journal on Recent Advances in Pain.
December 2016
Navani A, Hames A. Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections for Lumbar Discogenic Pain: A Preliminary Assessment of Structural and Functional Changes. Techniques of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2015(19): 38-44.
November 2016
Navani A, Gupta D. Intra-articular PRP in Sacro-iliac Joint Pain. Techniques of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2015(19): 54-59.
December 2015
Navani A as one of the authors in, Prospective Global Registry Assessing Quality of Life Following Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV.
November 2015
Navani A as one of the authors in, Advanced SCS with Anatomically-Guided Neural Targeting: A View from The Prospective 4800 Patient Global Registry. Encore poster presentation at the 14thAnnual Pain Medicine Meeting of the American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Miami, FL.
July 2015
Loudermilk E, Roth D, Willoughby C, Brewer R, Berg A, McCarty A, Atallah N. J, Smith S, Rauck R, Hegarty J, Phillips G, Haider N, Phelps B. J, Crooks T. M, Lawrence M, Bojrab L, Kim C, Ahmed S, Lee A, Brennan J, Snook T. L, Assil K, Gwinn R, Navani A, Gupta M, Mambalam P, Murillo A, Raso L, McLeod M. Carroll, Trobridge A, Rosenow J, F. Mikhael M, Sanapati M, Candido K, Deogaonkar M, North J, Lechleiter K, Huynh D, Jain R, Bobrov- M. Advanced SCS with anatomically-guided neural targeting: a view from the prospective 4800 patient global registry. 23rd Annual International Spine Intervention Society Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, July 2015.
June 2015
Navani A. Epidural and Intradiscal Biologics for treatment of Low Back Pain. Sixth Annual PRP and Regenerative Medicine Symposium, The Orthobiologic Institute, Las Vegas, NV.
June 2015
Navani A. Platelet-rich Plasma for treatment of non-healing wounds- A case report. Sixth Annual PRP and Regenerative Medicine Symposium, The Orthobiologic Institute, Las Vegas, NV.
May 2015
Gong Z, Fishman M, Coleman S, Navani A & Ottestad E. Flare of CRPS symptoms after lidocaine infusion. 34th Annual American Pain Society Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, May 2015.
June 2013
Navani A, Li G. Pneumocephalus as a complication of Spinal Cord Stimulation: a case report and review of literature. International Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany.
August 2011
Navani A. Chronic Pain Management: Opioid Prescription Guidelines and Compliance Monitoring. American Medical Woman Association South Bay Newsletter August 2011.
May 2011
Navani A, Banerjee A, Thomson S. Global Diversity in the access and use of Spinal cord and Peripheral nerve Stimulation (GDSPS): a survey in collaboration with International Neuromodulation Society. International Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, London, UK.
December 2010
Navani A, Zyskina M. Simultaneous Use of Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Field Stimulation in Concurrent but Distinct Pain Syndromes. Poster presentation at North American Neuromodulation Society Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada.
March 2010
Navani A. A letter to the editor for Current Treatments in the Management of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathic Pain. Pain Medicine News 2010, 8(3):7.
April 2009
Navani A. Pain board review. McGraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Pain Medicine Paperback.
October 2006
Navani A, Mahajan G, Kreis P, Fishman SM. A case of pulsed radiofrequency lesioning for occipital neuralgia. Pain Medicine 2006, 7(5):453-457.
July 2004
Smith H, Navani A, Fishman SM. Radiopharmaceuticals for palliation of painful osseous metastases. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 2004, 21(4):303-313.
September 2003
Navani A, Mahajan G, Kreis P, Fishman SM. The role of gadolinium in interventional pain management as an alternative to iodinated contrast agents.
February 2003
Navani A, Dominguez CL, Fishman SM. Injections of the past that reveal themselves under fluoroscope today: fluoroscopic evidence of remote injections of radiopaque substances. American Academy of Pain Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.
February 2003
Navani A, Kreis PG, Fishman SM. A case of pulsed radiofrequency lesioning for occipital neuralgia. American Academy of Pain Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.
February 2003
Navani A, Mahajan G, Kreis P, Fishman SM. The role of gadolinium in interventional pain management as an alternative to iodinated contrast agents. American Academy of Pain Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana.
January 2003
Navani A. The role of gadolinium in interventional pain management as an alternative to iodinated contrast agents. Pain Medicine Network report from American Academy of Pain Medicine meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
April 2002
Navani A, Cheng E. Ultrasound-guided central venous cannulation- poster, video and hands-on workshop. International Anesthesia Research Society. San Diego, California.
October 2002
Navani A, Cheng E. USG central venous cannulation- poster, video and hands-on workshop. American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting. Orlando, Florida.
December 2001
Navani A, Cheng E. Ultrasound-guided central venous cannulation. Postgraduate assembly (PGA55) meeting. New York, New York.
October 2001
Arain SR, Navani A, Ebert TJ. The effects of thiopental, generic and non-generic Propofol on respiratory resistance during anesthetic induction in patients with reactive airways. American Society of Anesthesiologists annual meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana.
August 2001
Navani A, Rusy LM, Jacobson RD, Weisman SJ. Treatment of tremor in complex regional pain syndrome. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2003, 25(4):386-390.
March 2001
Navani A, Rusy LM, Jacobson RD, Weisman SJ. Treatment of tremor in complex regional pain syndrome. Midwest Anesthesia Resident Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
March 2001
Navani A, Nijhawan N. Intrathecal opioids for post cesarean section analgesia- Current status and future directions. Review study poster presentation. Midwest Anesthesia Resident Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
March 2000
Navani A, Olund TM, Stowe DF. Unexpected apnea and asystole with Propofol for sedation. Case report poster and slide presentation. Midwest Anesthesia Resident Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
September 2000
Arain SR, Navani A, Ebert TJ. The effects of thiopental, generic and non-generic Propofol on respiratory resistance during anesthetic induction in patients with reactive airways. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 2002, 14(4):257-261.
February 1998
Jeong MC, Navani A, Oksenberg JR. Limited Allelic Polymorphisms in the Human IL-3gene. Molecular and Cellular Probes 1998; 12:1:49-53.